Category Stories
Ecommerce Growth

Caddy Daddy

Caddy Daddy sought to improve their online visibility and boost their e-commerce performance. Partnering with Elike Solutions, we implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy, optimized product listings, and enhanced the user experience, leading to a 40% increase in online sales for this leading Cadillac parts retailer.

Organic Traffic
0 %
Top-Ten Keyword Rankings
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Unique Visitors
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Caddy Daddy has been a trusted name in Cadillac parts for over 35 years. Known as the most complete Cadillac parts store worldwide, they specialize in offering classic and vintage Cadillac parts. With a vast catalog, they offer hard-to-find car parts for Cadillac models through their online store.

The challenge

Caddy Daddy, a leader in Cadillac parts, wanted to improve their SEO and digital strategy to boost e-commerce sales. After hearing about our expertise, they partnered with Elike Solutions. We conducted an in-depth audit of their website and identified opportunities to enhance keyword targeting, optimize product descriptions, and revamp their overall site structure for better user navigation. Over time, we also worked to integrate strategic content marketing, which contributed to a significant uplift in traffic and revenue.

Services Used:

Business impact

By working with Elike Solutions, Caddy Daddy experienced a sharp increase in organic search traffic, leading to higher conversion rates and a 40% boost in sales. Through precise SEO strategies and enhanced user experience, we helped them optimize their digital presence and maximize returns on marketing efforts.


Organic conversion rate improved


Organic conversion rate improved


Increase new users from organic traffic


The Results

1. Achieved 183% Growth in Website Traffic

Strategic content optimization and a targeted backlink strategy led to increased website visits.

2. Secured 3,154 Top-Ten Keyword Rankings earned.

A comprehensive SEO approach resulted in thousands of top-ten keyword rankings, significantly improving visibility.

3. Boosted Unique Visitors by 225%

The site saw a substantial boost in unique visitors by focusing on high-quality content and SEO tactics.


Thanks to Elike Solutions, our online presence has transformed, leading to remarkable growth in both traffic and sales!

  1. 183% growth in website traffic
  2. 3,154 top-ten keyword rankings
  3. Grow unique visitors by 225%